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D. GP56 (possibly assisted by gp57 and gp58) inhibits host cell division.

Expression of gene 56 in uninfected cells prevented cell division without affecting cell growth, DNA synthesis, or chromosome segregation. SPO1 infection inhibited cell division, and this inhibition was prevented by a 56- mutation.

We are collaborating with Drs. Bill Margolin and Daniel Haeusser of the UT Medical School Houston to analyzed the mechanisms by which gp56 inhibits cell division.

A. General Introduction to bacteriophage SPO1.

B. GP44, gp50, and gp51 regulate the shutoff of host biosyntheses indirectly, by regulating expression of the genes of the host-takeover module.

C. GP40 plays a direct role in shutoff of both host DNA and RNA synthesis, and gp38 and gp39 regulate both shutoffs, by direct participation in the shutoff processes.

D. GP56 (possibly assisted by gp57 and gp58) inhibits host cell division.

E. GP55-53 may inhibit host protein synthesis.

F. Antibiotic Activities of SPO1 Proteins.
