Xiaoyang Bai


Postdoc @ UCSF

B.S. Cell Biology, Wuhan University '98
M.S. Genetics, Fudan University '01

Reseach Interests:

Van Komen, J.S., X. Bai, B.L. Scott, and J.A. McNew. 2006. An intramolecular t-SNARE complex functions in vivo without the syntaxin NH2-terminal regulatory domain. J Cell Biol. 172:295-307.
Van Komen, J.S., X. Bai, T.L. Rodkey, J. Schaub, and J.A. McNew. 2005. The polybasic juxtamembrane region of Sso1p is required for SNARE function in vivo. Eukaryot Cell. 4:2017-28.